Urban Profiling of Refugee Situations in Delhi

We are particularly grateful to the following for their excellent work and contribution to the profiling process.

This report is a collaborative effort between the Joint IDP Profiling Service, the Feinstein International Centre (Tufts University) and UNHCR. The study was fully funded by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.

The profiling exercise was conducted in close collaboration with our implementing partner in Delhi the Development and Justice initiative (DAJI).

We are particularly grateful to the following for their excellent work and contribution to the profiling process: UNHCR in Delhi and their implementing partners Bosco and SLIC; Ravi Hemadri, Ipshita Sengupta, Madhuri Sastry and Subodh Singh; the team of survey enumerators and focus groups facilitators; and all the survey respondents who generously contributed their thoughts and time.

CartONG provided valuable support throughout the exercise on the mobile data collection process.

The profiling process, including methodology design, training, data collection, analysis and report drafting was led by a team consisting of: Karen Jacobsen,  
Margharita Lundkvist-Houndoumadi, Eric Levron and Ivan Cardona.